
UFOoverSch enectady,NewYo [コヨミ]

UFO over Schenectady, New York.

Witness Description:
\A very bright, round in appearance, object that I first mistook for the ISS. It was traveling at a high altitude but under the cloud cover. It traveled from a North Western direction towards the South East. There is a plane that shows up during the video to show an approx. size of object and to show that there were no aviation lights as can be seen on the plane. It had no trail like meteorites do. The light pulsated a few times. The video does go blurry for a few seconds due to autofocus going a little crazy, but you can see the pulsating during the clear parts of the video. It was white in color and appeared to be emanating its own light and not light reflection from the moon. I have a longer video than what I am sharing. Size limitation required I edit down to 11 seconds.\

Source: mufon
Filmed in Schenectady, New York. 2/2/2023
Many thanks to the author of the original video.

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